Registration for Industry Talk

Luck favors the prepared: A nearly planned Journey from PhD to Science Management

This page is used for the registration to the Industry Talk "Luck favors the prepared: A nearly planned Journey from PhD to Science Management" held by Dr. Sabine Alebrand (Tuesday July 16th) and organized by the alumni association Gemeinschaft der Physik e.V.. The informations gathered here are only used for the organization of the event and will be deleted afterwards. Since the number of seats are limited, members of the TRR-146 or the alumni association and those that are currently applying to any of those organizations will be favored. Remaining seats will be distributed on first-come-first-serve basis one week in advance.

(required)“ zeigt erforderliche Felder an

I do allow my following E-Mail adress to be used to inform me about the specific events I am registering for.
I am a member of the Alumni Association "Gemeinschaft der Physik e.V.", TRR-146 or I am currently in the process of joining one of those associations.(required)
I want to participate at the talk(required)
I want to participate at the get-to-gether after the talk(required)
I do agree that my information can be used by 'Gemeinschaft der Physik. e.V.' for my registration and the distribution of additional information for Sabine Alebrand's talk.(required)
I do agree to the terms of my registration.(required)
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